So, I'm in this crazy organizing frenzy. As I was working on Ben's closet, making some serious headway, the boys decided to make it their "hide out." I think that was my sign to take a break and just play with them for a little bit. Why is it so hard to just play with them more often? They are growing so fast. Isn't it more important to invest in them and than to dust the mantel? I am such a task oriented person that I find it hard to put the everyday "housework" to the side and just focus more one these wonderful little boys that God has bless me with. I just don't want to look back and say "Ya know, my house was clean when you boys were small...and...I spent a lot of time making sure your closets were in order...and...I wish that I would have had my priorities straight...if I had known that the time I had with you two was so short, I would have done things differently." A friend of mine says it right when she tells me that I have to look at things from an eternal perspective. As parents we are investing in our children's souls, and we shouldn't set our eyes on the things of this world. Don't get me wrong, we still need clean underwear, but there is a delicate balance. Somehow my scale tends to tilt toward the "task" side. Every so often I have this reality check, and then I think to myself, "I have to make sure I do more with my children than I do with the world, or the house." I guess that's the long and drawn out point I am trying to make. More Family, less everything else.