If you know me, then you know that this is TRULY a treat for my kids. Hey! It's VACATION!!!

All in all, I enjoyed our vacation. We certainly had an entertaining one. My "LuLu" suggested that I document all strange and most unfortunate happenings because not only will I forget, but no one is going to believe us. Here is goes-this is going to take a while.
First bump in the road: The day before we left for our vacation I realized...My drivers license is missing. My husband assured me that I won't be needing it, because he planned on doing all the driving and such. I thought to myself, "That makes sense. No worries, I'll get another when we get back."
Second bump: On our drive there, Tinker vomited in his car seat 3 times! 3 Times! That meant 3 times of pulling over on the side of the road, disassembling a very complex car seat, and wiping it down the best we could with what we had-baby wipes. Oh, and the first time we pulled over to clean it all up we were almost attacked by a pack of wild dogs. Isn't that crazy? Tinker was stinky, the car was stinky. We finally had to stop and buy a Christmas tree air freshener to help cover that awful smell.
Third bump: When we got to our first destination, Orlando, we were informed that I must have my license present in order to check into the resort. I panicked, and decided to dump my purse out all over the concierge desk in my last desperate attempt to find it. There it was, tucked away in a hidden pocket, obviously the work of two little mischievous raccoons-better know as children. Still, what a relief.
Fourth bump: On our second night in Orlando, we decide to go out to eat at Bahama Breeze. Yum Yum. I carried in a diaper bag and my purse, and left with only a diaper bag. You have to understand this purse of mine is very small, and black. Which means that is easily disappears in a dim restaurant with a family who is eager to leave after our meal. With the chaos of trying to get my son to carry his bag, with another arm tied up with the baby-my purse just wasn't a priority. The sad thing, I didn't even realize I left it until the next morning. Which bring me to the next bump.
Fifth bump: The next morning; We have to go to this time share meeting and get all of these really cool bonus gifts after listening to their high pressure explanation about how we need to buy into it. All of this at 7:30 AM (6:30AM our time). Before leaving the room, I go to retrieve my purse, it wasn't there, and here comes another panic attack. I left it at the restaurant 20 miles from here. I called the restaurant about 30 times that morning, no answer. Then I packed up the kids and husband and we all headed up there. The manager wouldn't open the front door of Bahama Breeze. I was irritated. He was trying to explain it but there was a raging weed-eater right behind me, and I couldn't hear a thing through the glass. So he just walked back into the dark of that restaurant and left me standing there, outside the door, confused. Oh, how irritated I was, and once again, panicked. I went around the back. I figured I would sneak in the back door and make put until the manager was done counting the money (that explains why he wouldn't let me in) and then he would address the situation. Blah, Blah, Blah! Come to find out-my purse was nowhere to be found which only mean it had been stolen. Panic struck, again.
Sixth bump: We were no longer eligible to listen to the high pressure time share stuff. No photo I.D. meant no bonus gifts for us. Bummer. Big Bummer. I felt really bad about it. Thankfully my sweet and endearing husband didn't blame me for it all. My cell phone was in my purse, and my husbands cell didn't have signal at the resort. There was no way for us to call and see if the thief had a shopping spree that night. Just a little note: it takes a very special man to be married to a girl like me-thanks honey, for not stringing me up by my toes at that point.
Seventh bump: While on our way to our second destination, Stuart, we were both caught up in making the appropriate phone calls to cancel credit cards, check our balances, and so forth. We got on the Florida turnpike without looking at our gas gauge. Empty. Oh boy, here we go again. We thought, "if we could just make it to the next exit...20 miles away..." Nope, why in the world would we be that lucky! At least we broke down by one of those nifty call boxes. We decided to use it to call for help, then forgot that we had On Star, and cancelled the call. On Star was wonderful, and reassured us that they would be there with enough gas to get us to the next gas station, and it would only take 45 min. Not bad, we thought. So we set up a picnic blanket on the side of the road and waited. While waiting, we heard the sirens of a police car and a very big red fire truck. They were very loud and going very fast, heading for us. Apparently the call box was miss wired, and although we pushed the "gas" button, they got the signal that our car was on fire instead. The cancel button we pushed twice didn't seem to have worked either, because there they were, ready to put out a fire. The officer seemed irritated which I can' blame him. Hear we are, leisurely sitting there on the side of the road... Later, our gas delivery arrived and we were back up and running.
Eighth bump: We planned on spending a day up at the nursing home to visit with my Grandmother. On our way over there she fell and got some pretty terrible injuries. So we ended up driving to the hospital last minute. Bless her heart, it was really bad on her and stressful with the little ones there. She is okay now, but somehow I feel like our bad luck rubbed off on her that morning.
That's it! That is our vacation! In the midst of all of that we had some really great quality time with family. We stayed with Lulu while in Stuart, and she totally pampered us. We also got to see some family that we haven't seen in years and years-Uncle Tony, Melissa, April, Aunt Kay, Ashley, Brittney, and of course Grandmama. From the pictures you can see that we went to the beach with Lulu and the fair with Uncle Derek, Jake, and Taylor. The trip just wasn't complete without playing at one of the Florida Parks.
Oh, and I got some positive news! My purse has be recovered and is being mailed back to me! Yippee!!!!! Thanks Mom for helping arrange that!